research focus
Improving marine governance requires knowledge of how current policies are performing in the four target areas. Marine Energy, Maritime Transport, Marine Life and Marine Plastic are broad regime complexes characterised by multi-layered collaborative governance arrangements that can influence and are influenced by the European Green Deal. Within each regime complex, PERMAGOV selected several cases for an in-depth study and comparative analysis to understand how marine policies can contribute to the Green Deal objectives, now and in the future.

Marine Energy
Marine Energy is a collection of governance arrangements that focus on the offshore renewable energy production. PERMAGOV will examine three cases in this regime complex: ‘Development of Floating Wind’ in the Celtic Sea and Norwegian Waters, and ‘Energy Islands in Denmark.’ Key themes to be examined in relation to the European Green Deal are climate neutrality and clean energy.

Maritime Transport
Maritime Transport is a collection of navigation governance arrangements that facilitate transportation of large quantities of goods and people between countries and continents. PERMAGOV will analyse two cases in this regime complex: ‘Decarbonizing Shipping’ and 'Motorways of the Seas’ with a focus on port development. Key themes to be explored in relation to the European Green Deal are climate neutrality, clean and affordable energy, and sustainable mobility.

Marine Life
Marine Life is a collection of governance arrangements that aim to enhance living resources and marine ecosystems in support of biodiversity conservation (protection of natural capital) and responsible food systems. PERMAGOV will analyse the nexus between fisheries and biodiversity in Italy and the case of protection of the seabed integrity in the Baltic Sea. Key themes to be explored in relation to the European Green Deal are climate neutrality, biodiversity, sustainable industry and responsible (sea)food production (“farm2fork”).

Marine Plastics
Marine Plastics is a collection of governance arrangements that focus on plastic pollution in seas and oceans. PERMAGOV will analyse the way in which the Regional Sea Conventions in the Baltic Sea and Mediterranean Sea combat marine litter including through cross-sectoral and cross-boundary cooperation and monitoring. Key themes to be explored in relation to the European Green Deal are zero pollution, circular economy, and biodiversity.

PERMAGOV has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme HORIZON-CL6-2022-GOVERNANCE-01-03 under grant agreement No 101086297, and by UK Research and Innovation under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee grant numbers 10045993, 10062097, 101086297.